SUMMER! July 7, 2011 Spring has finally blossomed out into the warm days of summer here in Vermont- blue skies with lush green canopies fluttering in the gentle breeze. A good time to sit under a tree and feel the warm energy - taking pause to reflect on the bounty this season brings to body, mind and spirit and ways to balance and build our energy for the season ahead. Chinese Medicine talks about finding balance between Yin and Yang. Yin, the expansive foods of fruit and veggies help balance the Yang or contractive foods of meat, eggs, beans and dairy. Here is a healthy delicious recipe I learned about from Jesse Alfarone that will help you balance your summer Yang meals with a Yin YUM Berry Banana nutty desert.
RAW Blueberry/Banana and Date nut Piecrust recipe
CRUST – 2 cups almonds, ½ cup soaked dates – (soak for at least an hour).
Grind almonds in food processor until it looks like cornmeal. Add chopped soaked dates. Blend until all mixed. You may need to add a little water from soaked dates.
Put in a pie plate, spread out to all sides.
FILLING – 5 cups blueberries and 2 ripe bananas
Blend 4 cups blueberries and 2 ripe bananas in food processor (add a ¼ cup of your favorite juice or water to help liquefy if needed). Put 1 cup of berries unblended in piecrust, and then pour the blended berries and bananas on top. Freeze for a couple of hours to set, then slice kiwi’s to go on top. YUM.
Other ingredients to consider: You can use frozen blueberries, reduce to one banana and add yogurt to blended filling.
Food as Medicine Health Benefits:
Blueberries bursting with antioxidants, nutrients and flavor:
Kiwi – Excellent source of Vitamin C and fiber; Banana – Packed with potassium, an important electrolyte to regulate heart function and fluid balance; Nuts (almonds and Walnuts- best plant source of protein, rich in fiber, phyto-nutrients and antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Selenium and best of all Omega 3’s for the heart and brain.
Marie Frohlich, Certified Health Coach
Upcoming Health Events
July 20th -Food as Medicine Coop Tour- making sense of bulk foods and those special foods in the produce section you always wanted to learn more about. Food demo, tour and handouts. Hunger Mountain Coop 6-7:30pm.
August 15th 6-7:30pm Beating the Sugar Blues Marie Frohlich, Health Coach- with Lisa Mase, VCIH Staff What role does sugar play in our lives? What kinds of substitutes can we choose that is less taxing to our systems and environment? Enjoy cooking demos and recipes to take home at Hunger Mountain Coop, Montpelier, VT.